Monday, May 6, 2013

Sacred Sunday

We woke up in a cabin that we've been building for five months, and that we finally finished this weekend. Sunrise was spectacular. So, too, was a big pot of pumpkin soup cooked over a fire and, as the afternoon fog rolled in, a communion of beer and beets shared with dear friends also facing transition.

Our convocation and benediction came from Wendell Berry's The Wild Geese,

And we pray, not
for new earth or heaven,
but to be quiet in heart, and in eye
clear. What we need is here.

And a reading from Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. There is a time for everything. 

Of course, the sacred is always punctuated by a hammer hitting a thumb, a screaming baby (not ours) with a dirty diaper, rain, and a neighboring farmer angry about a goat. So there was some of all of that, too.
As we hiked out, leaving Kenscoff for perhaps for the last time, Joseph's parting words to us were "degaje w." [Do what it takes to get by]. A perfectly fitting Haitian send-off. 

1 comment:

nerkert said...

We know how special Kenscoff has been for you (and to us - what a nice memory) and are grateful that you've had it. (It may be a meager substitute, but "The Park" is particularly beautiful this year. How about long mornings, coffee, and the front porch?)


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